Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Spray Paint

This is my plan... when I get my license and am required to get the sticker I will simply spray paint the sticker yellow so it blends in with the Jersey plate. Fight the power!
Lauren, I agree with you on Kyleigh's law on how it will cause more harm than good. There are som werid people out there who would look for the red sticker on the license and follow the person home and they will be in danger. There are a lot of maniacs out there in this world who would do things like that.

Also, not being able to drive past 11 p.m. is ridiculous. I understand if it was past midnight since there are less people and teenagers out during this time. But kids are at parties and staying out later when they are older.

Also, only being able to have one person in the car including family members is outrageous. I liked it better when you can only have one person outside of the family and as many family members as possible. The Kyleigh's Law is ridculious.

Red stickers

My parents won't let me get the sticker. They feel it is too dangerous. This sticker is just an invitation for pedophiles to come and find you. It is like our cars have targets on them, and everyone can see it. This is very unsafe for the children!!

Not Helpful....

This is not going to help. At all....

Personally I think it is a stupid law, and is completely usless. Driving to school this morning I counted 5 red stickers.

So I asked my dad if he would make me put the stickers on my car... His answer?
No... but if i get caught I have to pay the fine.

So, I like my money. So, i will probably be putting those stupid stickers on my liscese plate too!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I think Kyleigh's Law is somewhat dangerous for teenagers and new drivers. If they are required to have a red decal screaming "I'm young and I'm a new driver" or saying "Rape Me" because thats pretty much what it says to predators. Predators and rapists can follow you to the mall, to your house, or where ever your going. I don't think this red sticker is going to help at all.


i feel the same way. i think its a tad ridiculous; i think it should be optional for the parents who don't trust their kids. i dont think its out fault for what happened. and that we should be punished...WE did nothing wrong..THEY did.

Safety Should be put into Question

People tend to leave out the fact of child predators easily spotting out teenage drivers and stalking them to places and who knows what would turn out next, safety of teenage girls should be put into question here.